Monday, June 29, 2009

Why I Did a Lung Detox

I was never very close to my uncle but I was close to his children, my cousins. However watching him slowly fade and die from lung cancer was the hardest thing in the world especially when i saw what it did to his family ... when i looked at my family after that experience I know i needed to quit smoking and do a lung detox or a realm of horrors awaited me.

To be honest though i did not even KNOW what a lung detox was at first, i just knew i needed to quit smoking cigarettes which was a hard enough battle after 15 years of smoking. I was a pack and a half a day man and i was starting to show too.

Every time i exerted myself i was short of breath and started coughing like a chainsaw; just like my uncles cough i was starting to notice. I was also prone to getting sick and had numerous respiratory infections over the years which was sucking away my energy and fitness.

So anyway, first thing was first i said no more smokes! I quit on October 12th 2007 ... the first time. Obviously that first attempt did not work and i was puffing away again as life became too busy but i was spurred on again after talking to my cousin Helen who was still coming to terms with her fathers death. January 17th 2008 i quit again and this time it started to stick though it was hard .... so very hard. I tried nicotine patches, slapping a rubber band against my wrist when i felt like smoking and even bought a self hypnosis course which i could never get into. Every time i would relent just once and for a few days i was lost to nicotine addiction again until I composed myself and threw out my remaining cigarettes.

I was desperate so i turned to the internet and started looking up stories about lung cancer. It was morbid i know but the only thing that really shocked me into action was the thought of slowly dying due to lung cancer and being forced to watch my family see me die horribly.

Then i came upon an odd site which i was skeptical of at first. This site detailed how to do a lung detox to clean out the lungs of the toxins and carcinogens that cause the cancers. This immediately struck a chord with me but the claims that it would help me quit smoking seemed unlikely.

So I paid for the guide which was less than I would spend in a week of smoking and that seemed like a good exchange if it worked.

Well, i will not go on. Suffice to say I write this now mid 2009 after feeling GREAT for a few months and just had to get the word out about lung detoxification. IT WORKED ... not only did it get rid of my cough and give me my lung fitness back but those claims of helping to quit smoking were not a lie. Certainly they may have been hyped but the truth is that as i felt my lungs cleaning i did feel a definite decrease in severity of withdrawals and less of an urge to smoke as i continued following this guide!

I hope to get more information about lung detoxification and quitting smoking on this blog as well as more information about lung cancer and how to avoid it because this is a terrible thing that can be devastating to families and of course the victims ... but you CAN avoid this fate. To find out more visit the site that may well have saved my blackened lungs.

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